Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Macroni Salad with meat and veggie

Salad is a popular, ready-to-eat dish made of heterogeneous ingredients, usually served chilled or at a moderate temperature. Many people use the word "salad" to describe light, savory leafy vegetable dishes, most often served with a sauce or dressing or with meat, fish or egg along with pasta.This Salad is very popular in breakfast. Tasty and healthy as it contain no oil. 

Non-Veg Salad

Serving : 2 people
Ingredients :  Macroni 1 cup; Veggies (carrot, beans, tomato, corn); Kebab 2 piece; Salt; Oregano; Mint chutney 

  1. Boil macroni . It must be soft . Drain and let it cool. 
  2. Boil all the veggies except tomato. Drain and let it cool.
  3. Cut the tomato and kebab into small cubes.
  4. Take a big bowl and mix everything [ boil macroni, veggie, tomato and kebab ]
  5. Add pinch of salt and mint chutney 
  6. Mix well and refrigerate it for 20-25 mins 
  7. Sprinkle oregano and serve it with garlic bread 

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